Most of these are not used commonly and you don't need to memorize every tone/context indicator, this is simply a masterlist of indicators that I have seen across the internet.

Masterlist of Tone and Context Indicators

/j or /jk = joking

/mj = mostly joking

/hj = half joking

/qj = quarter joking

/nj = not joking

/ij = inside joke

/jov = jokingly overreacting

/js = jokingly sad

/sdj = self-deprecating joke

/cj = coping joke

/mwy = messing with you

/s or /sarc = sarcastic / sarcasm

/nsarc = not sarcastic

/se = sarcastic emojis

/sat = satire

/lie = lying

/srs = serious

/dsrs = dead serious

/msrs = mostly serious

/hsrs = half serious

/qsrs = quarter serious

/nsrs = not serious

/srsj = serious but saying it as a joke

/hjms = half joking, mostly serious

/hsmj = half serious, mostly joking

/lh = light hearted

/lhhm = light heartedly but half mad

/dh = dark hearted (something that seems innoncent but has a dark meaning behind it)

/aff = affectionate

/co = compliment

/exc = excited

/g, /gen, /gq, or /genq = genuine / genuine question

/cur = curious

/cq = curious question

/n = nosy

/ref = reference

/t = teasing

/mad = mad

/hm or hmad = half mad

/nm or /nmad = not mad

/nmau = not mad at you

/nmjc = not mad just confused

/up = upset

/lu = a little upset

/fr = frustrated

/sad = sad

/nsa or /nsad = not sad

/ap or /apl = apologetic

/dis = disappointed

/d = derogatory

/b = bitter

/wh = whining

/dr = dramatic

/ex or /exg = exaggerated

/sy or /shy = shy

/emb = embarrassed

/nof = no offense

/pa = passive aggressive

/npa = not passive aggressive

/mo = mocking

/ttp = taking the piss

/nbh = nobody here

/nay = not at you

/ay = at you

/nbr = not being rude

/nai = not an insult

/nosn = not snarky

/ncm or /nocomp = not comparing or competing

/nw = not in a weird way

/om = intentionally ominous

/nsb = not subtweeting

/lt = live-tweet

/nlt = not live-tweeting

/ot = off topic

/unr = unrelated

/th or /thr = threat (often used in a half joking way)

/nth or /nthr = nonthreatening

/e = evil intentions (used in a joking way)

/nf = not forced

/np = no pressure

/dha = don't have to answer

/nyf = not your fault

/wc = with consent

/cb or /cl = clickbait

/f = fake

/q or /" = quote

/l, /ly, or /lyr = lyrics

/c = copypasta

/cp = copy/paste

/m = metaphor / metaphorically

/li = literal / literally

/fig = figurative

/rt or /rh = rhetorical question

/hyp = hyperbole

/hi = when something is used as a greeting

/ag = agreement

/safe = safe to view/read, not triggering

/exa or /fex = example / for example

/caps = warning for all caps

/v = vent

/nav = not a vent

/ma = manifesting

/rc = random chaos

/nses = nonsensical

/qu = quirky

/self = directed toward oneself

/sys = directed toward someone in-system

/wp = wrong proxy (added after a message when a system sends a message accidentally using the wrong alter account)

/p or /pl = platonic

/r = romantic

/hr = half romantic

/fl or /ft = flirting

/ff = friendly flirting

/a = alterous

/qp = queerplatonic

/fam = familial

/be = best friend vibes

/para = parasocial

/sx or /x = sexual intent

/h = horny

/nsx or /ns = non-sexual intent

/pc, /pos, or /+ = positive connotation

/vpc or /vpos = very positive

/mpc or /mpos = mostly positive

/hpc or /hpos = half positive

/nc or /neg = negative connotation

/vnc or /vneg = very negative

/mnc or /mneg = mostly negative

/hnc or /hneg = half negative

/nn = not negative

/neu = neutral / neutral connotation

/com = compulsion

/stim or /st = stim

/tic or /ti = tic

/echo = echolalia

/imli = impulsive lying

/rp = roleplay

/cn = canon

/fn = fanon

/hc = headcanon

/uj = unjerk (a serious comment in a circlejerk community)

/rj = rejerk (a return to shitposting in a circlejerk community)