English Pronoun Reform

This is a reform of the pronouns used in the English language, making first and second person pronouns clearer in meaning and expanding third person pronouns to cover the entire spectrum of gender. I don't believe anyone should be forced to conform to this system by any means (I don't even use it), and you should always respect one's chosen pronouns.

First Person
Nominative Accusative Independent Genitive Dependent Genitive Reflexive
Singular I Me My Mine Myself
Inclusive Dual Wit Unce Uns Uns Unselves
Exclusive Dual Nit Vunce Vuns Vuns Vunselves
Inclusive Plural We Us Our Ours Ourselves
Exclusive Plural Ne Nuis Nur Nurs Nurselves

Second Person
Nominative Accusative Independent Genitive Dependent Genitive Reflexive
Singular You You Your Yours Yourself
Plural Ye Ye Yeer Yeers Yeerselves
Indefinite Generic Singular Xa Xa Xor Xors Xorself

Third Person
Nominative Accusative Independent Genitive Dependent Genitive Reflexive
Masculine Singular He Him His His Himself
Feminine Singular She Her Her Hers Herself
Nonbinary Singular Xe Xem Xyr Xyrs Xemself
Xenine Singular Ae Aer Aer Aers Aerself
Outherine Singular Oa Oam Oas Oas Oamself
Aporine Singular Ve Ver Vis Vis Verself
Agender Singular Co Co Cos Cos Coself
Beings Beyond The Concept of Gender Fae Faer Faer Faers Faerself
Generic, Unknown, or Neutral Singular Thon Thon Thons Thons Thonself
Plural They Them Their Theirs Themselves
Inanimate Singular It It Its Its Itself
Inanimate Plural Li Li Lis Lis Liselves