Short Poems
Kafkaesque Sex Shop - 10/17/24
kafkaesque sex shop
these beetles be fucking though
kafkaesque sex shop
fuck you, fucking bitch *throws a
molotov cocktail*
ABABCC Acrostic Double-Haiku Regarding Bears - 10/17/24
How could bears hurt me?
Avoid bears, those bitches say
I'll set the bears free!
Koalas today?
Until they're real bears, fuck off!
Sun bear: not a moth.
RATIONAL - 10/17/24
Right between two given numbers, stands
Another and many more
Take two and three and
In between, sits a value
On a point, that we have
Named two point five.
All these numbers have such brothers
Lest they be not dense nor smothered.
walk to the train - 10/13/24
dead cat on the side of the road
no visible injuries
black and white coat of fur
soaked by a night in the rain
eyes wide open
staring at me whilst they decay
opossum poem - 10/11/24
long short hair
mathematical stare
the opossum's gaze
sets cities ablaze
daily news - 9/29/24
daily news
hoover dam still operational;
everyone on earth found dead
Practicing Alliterative Verse - 9/27/24
the set of all sets that shan't contain themselves
is a trick in its totality with no truth in actuality
for every set, including singletons stands disjoint in their reality
nothing in particular - 9/25/24
no not nothing
today we saw
it didn't happen for a reason
deer elixir - 12/17/23
deer elixir
desert dessert
evening eternity
forest critter
deer deer deer
forest creature
frog - 12/17/23
i am a frog
tremble weep obliterate
a frog mystery
a frog necessity
where do my days go? - 3/21/23
i'm running out of time
and i can't make this rhyme
oh my god, i think i'm losing my mind
living silver medal - 1/12/23
i could never be everything you wanted
i can't make you smile the same way she can
we don't quite have the same interests, but i still try to listen
when i look into your eyes it's all i ever wanted
i'm a living silver medal
1:03 am - 1/5/23
warm, pink, pulsating, soft
an ever-growing pillowy blob
absorbing every inch of your being
comfortable and yet your heart is racing
you wake up feeling empty
you were in love