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<<nobr>> <<widget "haikuLine">> <<for _i to 0; _i lt 7; _i++>> <<include "word banks">> <<set $syllables to random(1,$syllableCount)>> <<if $syllables gte 5 and random(1,10) is 5>> <<set $syllables-->> <</if>> <<print $syllableBank[$syllables].shuffle().random()>> <<set $syllableCount -= $syllables>> <<if $syllableCount lte 0>> <<break>> <</if>> <</for>> <</widget>> <<widget "freeVerseLine">> <<set _words to random(either(random(1,3),3),either(5,5,random(5,random(7,10))))>> <<set _wordCount to _words>> <<for _j to 0; _j lt _words; _j++>> <<include "word banks">> <<print $wordBank.shuffle().random()>> <<set _wordCount-->> <<if _wordCount lte 0>> <<break>> <</if>> <</for>> <</widget>> <<widget "alliterativeVerseWord">> <<include "word banks">> <<set $wordBank to $wordBank.shuffle()>> <<for _j to 0; _j lt $wordBank.length; _j++>> <<if $wordBank[_j].startsWith(_letter) is true>> <<print $wordBank[_j]>> <<break>> <</if>> <</for>> <</widget>> <<widget "alliterativeVerseLine">> <<include "word banks">> <<set _letter to either(either("t", "a", "o", "i", "s", "c", "b", "p", "h", "f", "m", "e"), either("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z"))>> <<if either(1,2) is 1>> <<print $fillerWords.shuffle().random()>> <</if>> <<alliterativeVerseWord>> <<if either(1,2) is 1>> <<print $fillerWords.shuffle().random()>> <<if either(1,2) is 1>> <<print $fillerWords.shuffle().random()>> <</if>> <</if>> <<alliterativeVerseWord>> <<if either(1,2) is 1>> <<print $fillerWords.shuffle().random()>> <</if>> <<print " ">> <<if either(1,2) is 1>> <<print $fillerWords.shuffle().random()>> <</if>> <<alliterativeVerseWord>> <<if either(1,2) is 1>> <<print $fillerWords.shuffle().random()>> <<if either(1,2) is 1>> <<print $fillerWords.shuffle().random()>> <</if>> <</if>> <<if random(1,5) is not 1>> <<print $wordBank.shuffle().random()>> <</if>> <<if either(1,2) is 1>> <<print $fillerWords.shuffle().random()>> <</if>> <</widget>> <<widget "proseLine">> <<set _words to random(either(3,4,5), either(7,random(10,20)))>> <<set _wordCount to _words>> <<for _j to 0; _j lt _words; _j++>> <<include "word banks">> <<if _j is _words - 1>> <<set _string to $wordBank.shuffle().random()>> <<set _string += ".">> <<print _string>> <<else>> <<print $wordBank.shuffle().random()>> <</if>> <<set _wordCount-->> <<if _wordCount lte 0>> <<break>> <</if>> <</for>> <</widget>> <</nobr>>
[[free verse]] [[haiku]] [[alliterative verse]] [[prose]]
<<nobr>> <<set _lineCount to random(either(2,3),random(5,10))>> <<for _i to 0; _i lt _lineCount; _i++>> <<freeVerseLine>> <<if _i is not _lineCount - 1>> <br> <</if>> <</for>> <</nobr>> [[new poem|free verse]] [[back|start]]
<<nobr>> <<set _lineCount to random(either(3,4,4),random(5,10))>> <<for _i to 0; _i lt _lineCount; _i++>> <<alliterativeVerseLine>> <<if _i is not _lineCount - 1>> <br> <</if>> <</for>> <</nobr>> [[new poem|alliterative verse]] [[back|start]]
<<nobr>> <<set _lineCount to random(4,random(7,10))>> <<for _i to 0; _i lt _lineCount; _i++>> <<proseLine>> <</for>> <</nobr>> [[new story|prose]] [[back|start]]